To help Experts get started, we often pre-populate profile using data from Linkedin or other third party sources you have authorized . However, we recommend you soon customize and adapt their profile to emphasize the unique expertise you wish to share with the OnFrontiers community.
Editing your profile information is straight forward using the following steps.
Edit your profile
Log into with your username and password
Go to your profile by clicking on your picture or on the initials (default if no picture has been provided) in the upper right of the page
Click "Edit Profile"
Click on the edit button pencil next to each section of your profile you'd like to edit. A dialogue box will open allowing you to edit text or add / remove work experience, expertise attributes, etc. (see below)
Make changes to the text and click Save
You may also change your profile picture by clicking on your current picture or initials logo and importing or uploading a new photo
You can do the same with the background photo -- replacing the winter scene with a photo that emphasizes more of your personality and context. We suggest something local to your country, industry, or area of expertise.