Short answer:
Expert is the wrong match for you? To prevent from getting charged, please end the call within 10 minutes and email your Research Manager or
Long answer:
Your Research Manager performs extensive vetting to maximize the likelihood of a match.
The vetting quality depends on the information you provide when creating a project:
Specific questions the expert should be able to answer
Experience the expert should have
Your Research Manager presents only Experts who meet these criteria.
This process improves the chance of creating a great match while saving you time.ย
However, they do not make it fool-proof you will learn everything you need on any given consultation. In part, it reflects the dynamic nature of knowledge exchange. For example, your conversation leads to new questions you hadn't thought of when setting the project criteria.
Was there an oversight on our part in taking into account your requirements? Please let us know and we will consider this in responding to you. ย
Was the Expert not accurate about their qualifications? Please let us know and we will follow up with the expert.