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How do I create my Company's About Page with OnFrontiers?
How do I create my Company's About Page with OnFrontiers?

A step-by-step guide on how to give context for experts joining your company's network using an About Page

Becky Ying Zhang avatar
Written by Becky Ying Zhang
Updated over a week ago

Follow the steps below to create or edit yours in just a couple of minutes.

  1. Login to OnFrontiers 

  2. On your Dashboard (initial screen), select Teams and then Settings & Billing

   3. You will be able to edit your About Page page through 2 sections (below).

Preferences: edit your company public description here. This is a useful resource for experts being invited to join your Knowledge Network at OnFrontiers

About Page: edit your company's visual settings on the page here through the sub-sections below.

  • Enabled: your company’s About Page is set live once that option is selected. Please note: by clicking on the arrow right next to this option you can check how your company’s about page looks like instantly

  • Public: anyone with the link can access once that option is selected

  • Allow indexing by search engines: when enabled, the page will appear on search results. The "Public" setting above must be enabled

  • Header logo: you can upload your company’s icon or short version of the logo here. By default, this section has a black background. You can change that by selecting ‘Use White background’ right below this option

  • Body logo: you can upload your company’s official logo here. By default, this section has a white background.

  • Logo link URL: this is the address that will be returned when users click on your logo on the About Page. This is the company’s home landing page in most cases.

Don’t forget to save all your changes by clicking on the Save button at the bottom of the page!

All done now.

Remember, you can always check how your About Page looks like anytime by clicking on the arrow sign right next to Enabled on the About Page section under Settings and Billing.

ps.: this is a sample of how a finished About Page looks like:

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