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Will this consultation cause any conflict of interest with my current employment?
Will this consultation cause any conflict of interest with my current employment?
Becky Ying Zhang avatar
Written by Becky Ying Zhang
Updated over a week ago

Before the expert confirms the consultation request, the platform will require you to complete expert compliance training. The compliance training specifically has a section to train the experts about all the aspects of conflict of interest they need to check before accepting the consultation request.

The following is a summary of the conflict of interest section in the compliance training.

Conflicts of Interest

  1. In accepting and performing Consultations, Expert will comply with all applicable law and professional standards related to conflicts of interest.

  2. Expert agrees not to perform services:
    Where the subject matter of the Consultation may affect the financial interests of Expert, Expert’s spouse or children, or a person with whom Expert is seeking or has an arrangement for future employment;

Where the subject matter of a Consultation involves a company for which Expert is a current director, trustee, officer, board member or employee, or for which Expert holds a similar position;

For a Consumer that is a direct competitor of a company for which Expert is a current director, trustee, officer, board member or employee, or for which Expert holds a similar position;
For a Consumer that Expert knows to be acting on behalf of a company for which Expert is a current director, trustee, officer, board member or employee, or for which Expert holds a similar position;

Of any kind while Expert’s current employer is the subject of a tender offer.

  1. Even where there may be no actual conflict of interest, Experts agree not to perform services where:

the Consultation involves facts or circumstances due to which Expert’s impartiality might be called into question;

there is a reasonable likelihood of an appearance of conflict of interest.

However, it is the experts' responsibility to review the request prior to engaging in a consultation, and ultimately it's the expert's decision on what to disclose during the consultation itself.

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