How will I know if a subject is confidential?
I am a government employee. Do I need a written statement from OnFrontiers to participate on a consultation?
My employer’s policies prohibit employees from discussing professional matters outside the organisation. Does this mean I cannot participate in consultations with OnFrontiers’ clients?
Cancellations by client
Are there any subjects I should not advise on?
Does my registration with OnFrontiers prevent me from registering with other similar organizations?
Are the consultations confidential?
How do I know if my employer allows me to participate in consultations with OnFrontiers?
In the case of a pre-existing relationship with a client, can I still work with this client outside OnFrontiers?
Will I work exclusively for a client?
Can OnFrontiers’ clients hold me liable for decisions they make based on information that I provide them?
What is an Expert’s relationship with OnFrontiers?
Can OnFrontiers deactivate my account?